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Entrepreneur compares proposing girlfriend with ‘B2B sales’. Viral LinkedIn post

An entrepreneur in the United States has given content for meme-makers over his LinkedIn post about his supposed learnings on “B2B sales” after he proposed to his girlfriend over the weekend.
Bryan Shankman, owner of a California-based company that schedules sales calls with qualified leads, took to LinkedIn to share a photo of him proposing to his girlfriend. The dreamy beachside proposal photo was accompanied by a long note explaining what the proposal taught him about B2B (business-to-business) sales.
“Like a well-run sales cycle, key milestones must be met throughout the relationship to ensure a Closed Won status at the end,” Shankman wrote, proceeding to write a seven-point note. The business “learnings” from his relationship included jargon such as prospecting, discovery, demo, pricing, negotiations, handling objections and closing. He elaborated on each of the seven points.
“After the deal is closed, there is a lot of work to do. The journey continues with planning and constant communications to ensure ongoing satisfaction,” the entrepreneur said.
Shankman’s musings on LinkedIn, which is now viral, unleashed a flurry of jokes, memes and satirical takes across the internet as well as well as in the comments section of his post.
“You’re lucky that you’re the owner. If you were on my team I would fire you for the following reasons,” a LinkedIn user commented, proceeding to list three reasons (sarcastic, of course).
“I am sure your soon-to-be wife is super pleased that you treated her like a sales prospect. Good luck,” another user said.
“I’m gonna need to see the onboarding and expansion plans, next,” wrote a woman on LinkedIn.

Many active LinkedIn users are often slammed for attempting to draw parallels between personal events in their lives and processional insights, as they share heartfelt anecdotes in the form of what is being criticised as self-serving career advice.
